HERE & THEN | 20 MARCH 2025 - 09 MAY 2025
HERE & THEN | Group Exhibition
This exhibition delves into the intricate relationship between place and memory, exploring how our perceptions of places, both real and imagined, shape our sense of identity and belonging. "Place," in this context, encompasses the layered meanings we ascribe to a location, including its history, social dynamics, and personal significance.
The notion of "Place identity” is explored through the distinct artistic approaches of eleven artists - referring to the unique and multifaceted ways they connect with and define themselves through specific places. It is a dynamic process, influenced by personal experiences, shared narratives, and cultural values.
The artists featured in this exhibition investigate these themes through diverse mediums: paintings, photography, mixed media as well as sculpted objects carved in wood that are a symbolic attestation of a story and a place.
Some of the works capture the tangible essence of specific places, meticulously recreating some details or natural landscapes etched in memory or narrated through stories, influencing our understanding of the world. Others delve into the realm of imagined places, constructing fantastical environments that reflect internal landscapes and emotional response to the concept of "home."
The exhibition invites viewers to reflect on their own connections to place. How do our memories of specific locations inform who we are? How do imagined spaces shape our desires and aspirations? By examining these questions, the exhibition aims to illuminate the profound and often subconscious ways in which place and memory intertwine to create individual and collective identities.
Participating artists:
Sayan Baigaliyev, Yuval Buchshtab, Chen Chefetz, Mikka Chesno, Iris Fueredi, Oree Holban, Evgeny Merman, Daniel Remer, Anat Rozenson Ben-Hur, Yael Salomon, Avner Sher.